
Thursday, May 28, 2020


today a teach we made photo frames for teac i made 1 for me and one for my dad to have and i am going to coulors and make them his favrot colurse .

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


this week we have to make a story off of 4 pictures and then we have to make a story with the 5 senses

Monday, May 25, 2020

Rounding numbers

I can round numbers from 10, 100, 1000 here is some examples

Friday, May 8, 2020

Home school

Being home schooled is fun we still have to do work and we can still talk to our friend and talk to others and still do exercise. My dog and I go for walks to the river and I throw the ball in to the river and she chases it. We are there for 1-2 hours and we come back and I keep doing school and play games like prodigy and do ether stuff. the last week I have finished all my work then handed it in to my teachers a want to go back to school but I cant and it gets boring just sitting down with no breaks.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Making a Scratch

Today I made a Scratch code and all I could do was to move and do back flips and I made a good garden for the bunny to run around and play, but I could not make it jump. If I could I would to make it jump around and up on stuff like rocks. I can't code very well but I did the best I could and made a scratch code and it is ok I think.